Wednesday- 8:30 am | Friday- 8:30 am | Saturday- 4 pm | Sunday- 9 am
( Mass changes in effect August 1, 2024)​
Saturdays 2:45-3:30
Fr. Anthony's
Word of the Week
“The cat’s out of the bag.” A cat has adopted itself into my home. She has been coming around the house and school the last month or so. As the temperatures have started dropping, I was concerned this cat didn’t have a home. When she started sleeping on my porch, I started considering if I should to take her in. It bothered me for days. I would wake up with this on my mind, as I now cared for its safety. It was distracting my prayer. Finally one evening, from out of nowhere, I received the spark of clarity that put me finally at peace. Beyond words, then with words, I made a deal with the Lord. The deal I made: “I will take this cat in as my own, as long as it doesn’t distract me from you.” I love my home life and how I dwell there with Jesus, Mary and others. Prayer life has become vital to home, work, life and everything else. So with making any important decisions, we need to consult the Lord, pray, discern and seek His blessing in what we decide. No gift, undertaking, responsibility or relationship should be a distraction from Jesus and never a competition. Adopting a cat was no less of a decision. From that first night, I resolved to open my heart and home to this new little companion, but to not let her nor
anything else distract me from the Lord. Thus, things have been slowly settling in well.
In addition to daily life, this is a good call for our Advent Journey ahead: Seek to not let anything distract us from the Lord. We know Jesus is Lord, but there are countless things that can distract us from Him. He knows we have gifts to buy. He knows we have a full schedule, obligations and events that haven’t taken place yet. The Lord who is the king of our friendship, affection
and love has given us gifts of other relationships. We embrace them as gifts, but not the answer to our happiness. Consequently the more we love the Lord first, the better we are able to love them. His love will draw out the love we are able to give, joy we want to share, patience they need of us and forgiveness we are obligated to give. We have pets to follow us around and keep us company, but may any affection we feel from them instead open our hearts up to our affection from the Lord. Give Him the gift of our friendship and longing to know Him more and He will feed us in whatever ways we need. In addition to the good, don’t let the bad distract us either.
May lack of affections, not make us “feel” His love is distance. Draw closer. Don’t let negative or struggling relationships consume and distract us. The more we focus on Jesus alone, the more
entirely we will find Him on Christmas.
Altar and Rosary Society
The Altar and Rosary Society is sponsoring a cookie sale December 14 and 15.
We ask that everyone who can, contribute baked goods.
Items can be dropped off at the rectory or brought to the Parish Hammer Center.
The Miraculous Medal Prayer
O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, we dedicate and consecrate ourselves to you under the title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
May this Medal be for each one of us a sure sign of your affection for us and a constant reminder of our duties toward you.
Ever while wearing it, may we be blessed by your loving protection and preserved in the grace of your Son.
O Most powerful Virgin, Mother of our Savior,
keep us close to you every moment of our lives, Obtain for us, your children, the grace of a happy death; so that, in union with you, we may enjoy the bliss of Heaven forever.
To donate to this fundraiser
for St. Jerome Church
please click the "donate" button at the bottom of the page and select
"Special Needs" in the drop down menu or you can a drop donation (please note donation is for church fundraiser) in the collection basket or mail to
St. Jerome.
Thank you for your generosity
The Fuerst Fundraiser
The Fuerst Fundraiser for St. Jerome Parish in honor of Michael Keys will benefit the ongoing needs of Maintenance and Capital Improvements. Some long term projects may include a new school roof, new church parking lot, school gym Improvements or Hammer Parish Center remodeling. Some short term projects may include a new phone system, better livestreaming system and other operational needs as they occur. Thank you to the parish families who have organized this Fundraiser and all who show any generosity for the future life of our beloved Parish!
Saints of the Month
Who are the Saints for the month of November?
All Saints , November 1,
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, November 2,
St. Charles Borromeo , November 4, Patron of the clergy
St. Martin of Tours , November11, Patron of beggars and soldiers
St. Josaphat, November 12, Patron of Ukraine
St.Frances Xavier Cabrini, November 13, Patron of her love of God and immigrants
St.Albert the Great, November 15, Patron of scientists, students, philosophers, medical techs and theology
St.Margaret of Scotland, November 16, Patron of learning, parents of large families, queens
St. Cecilia, November 22 , Patron of music, musicians, composers, instrument makers and poets
St. Clement, November 23, Patron of metalworkers and blacksmiths
St. Andrew, November 30, Patron of Scotland, fisherman, unmarried women
Becoming Catholic through O.C.I.A.
To any of our Non-Catholic brothers and sisters,
How has the Lord been moving your heart lately? Where is He leading you? If you or
someone you know journey towards God feel drawn towards the Catholic faith, we invite you to simply explore how you might become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Please inquire about our Order of Christian Initiation for Adults program. (RCIA) Wherever God is leading us or whatever movement He has placed our heart is necessary to follow. We have nothing to lose in seeking to discover His will. Remember, this is not a class. This is a journey of faith, of love and fellowship! For any questions or additional information, please contact the office or
Fr. Anthony Simone at (216) 481-8200 / . God Bless
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Contact Us
Parish Staff
Administrator- Fr. Anthony Simone
Director of Religious Education- Marguerite DiPenti
Accounting Manager- Donna Ely
Parish Secretary- Melissa Hollowood
Office Hours
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm